Landing My Dream Job in Islamic Finance

After years of hard work and continuous learning, I finally landed my dream job at a leading Islamic bank. The journey wasn't easy, but persistence and constant skill upgrading played a crucial role. Networking and mentoring also made a significant difference. Here's how I navigated my career path...
Comments (2):
Aisyah Zulkifli
Congratulations! Your story is truly inspiring.
Faiz Rosli
Would love to hear more about how you approached networking.
Seeking Advice: Transitioning to a Career in Islamic Finance
I'm currently working in conventional banking but am very interested in making a switch to Islamic finance. Has anyone here made a similar transition? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
Comments (2):
Siti Nurhaliza
I made the switch two years ago. Happy to share my experience over a chat.
Ahmad Fauzi
Start with certifications relevant to Islamic finance. It helped me a lot.
What I Would Do Differently If Starting My Finance Career Again

Reflecting on my 15 years in the finance industry, there are several things I would do differently if I were starting again. Prioritizing soft skills development and international exposure earlier on are among the top. Let's dive deeper into these reflections...
Comments (2):
Syafiq Azman
This is gold! Thanks for sharing your insights.
Nor Izzati
Great advice. Any tips for gaining international experience?
Introduction to Islamic Finance
Islamic finance refers to the means by which corporations in the Muslim world...
Comments (2):
Farid Zainuddin
Great explanation!
Nurul Afiqah
Very informative!
Understanding Sharia-Compliant Investments
Sharia-compliant investments are financial products...
Comments (2):
Siti Hajar
Very helpful!
Ahmad Faizal
Thanks for sharing!
Benefits of Islamic Banking

Islamic banking operates according to the principles of Islamic law...
Comments (2):
Zarina Abdullah
I agree!
Hakim Razali
Interesting read!
Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development Goals

Islamic finance can play a significant role in achieving the United Nations'...
Comments (2):
Rafiq Jalil
Important topic!
Leila Hussain
Well written!